Training Course


Upcoming Events

Responses to Training Course

  1. Lihua Sui says:

    could you put me on the waiting list too? thank you

  2. Heather Kirk says:

    HI Nick,

    Can I also be included on your waitlist?



  3. Andrea Kovits says:

    Hi Nick, I’d like to be added to the waitlist also. Thank you!

  4. Limor Friedman says:

    Hi Nick, can I be added to waiting list?

  5. Ron McHenry says:

    Ron and Helmi McHenry:
    The two of us have a fair amount of kayak experience on South Okanagan lakes even in rougher water. We have sea streamlined kayaks with rutter. We would love to do some kayaking on west coast waters. Can we take this course to skip basic ?Thanks, ROn and Helmi

  6. Nancy Flexman says:

    Hi Nick…I am withdrawing my request for a place on the Southern Gulf Islands trip.
    I’m not in 3C shape, and had not realized it had put me on while I was looking at it.
    So sorry as It is a trip we had talked about 3 years ago before COVID started.
    Thank you for organizing it and hope to get in better shape this summer after ski season.
    Ciao Nancy Flexman

  7. Nick Heath says:

    It means there is a current flowing (caused by tidal action) in the same direction that we are going. That’s better than the contrary! They’ll be quite weak – around 1 kt mostly.

  8. Theresa Davies says:

    What does “current assist” mean? Something to do with water currents? or what?

  9. Nick Heath says:

    Because of a clash with BCMT’s Board meeting I’ll be unable to join this meeting. However, I’d like to offer some trips.
    My dates are flexible. All are tentative. I have found that overnight trips in Spring are not popular and some have been cancelled in past years due to low participation/competition with our training courses.
    SKABC have not announced dates for various other events such as building tent platforms, so these could also clash and one or other event re-scheduled.
    1) Thormanby I 2B camping 3 nights 7 – 10 Apr
    2) S Gulf Is Tour car free 3C camping 6 nights 25 Apr – 1 May
    3) Pitt Lk 2C weekend camping 1 night 18 – 19 June
    4) Gambier SW Private Cabin 3B camping 2 nights 15 – 17 July
    5) Galiano circumnav 3C camping 4 nights 12 – 17 Sept
    6) Harrison R 1B day Oct

  10. Kapila Jayaweera says:

    Cancelling this trip due to poor weather conditions on Saturday.

  11. Theresa Davies says:

    I would like to participate in the Trip Leader meeting on Zoom, February 24 at 7 PM

  12. Cynthia Rose Lee says:

    It says 6 spaces are available but bookings are closed??

  13. Allan Edwin says:

    So glad to see you all. Happy holidays and see you in the New Year!

  14. Allan Edwin says:

    Thank-you to all the people who put their time and talents into the club. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts because of you.

  15. Nick Heath says:

    Follow-up to earlier question. The last image looks like Lund to me. Correct? Captions would be nice but maybe are hard to add.

  16. Nick Heath says:

    Nice! Are these images all of Middle Copeland rather than of the site to the N??

  17. Nick Heath says:

    Sorry about cancelling, but other similar paddles leaving from Cates Pk have still spaces./Nick

  18. Heather Kirk says:

    As long as the conditions are relatively calm, I should be able to launch and land as usual but I am trying to recuperate from a broken wrist, so may need assistance at landing. Looking forward to this, I’ve missed almost the whole summer.

  19. Allan Edwin says:

    Nicely written Nick. You covered all the bases for anyone wanting to do this trip.

  20. Carole Fitzgerald says:

    I just heard from Allen Edwin that a second group is being added, so please add me to the group!
    Thanks so much,

  21. Carole Fitzgerald says:

    Please add me to the wait list, thank you!

  22. Jody Chan says:

    If someone has an extra pair of binoculars that they are willing to share, I would like to borrow them. I do not have binoculars.

  23. Ian Freemantle says:

    Hi, Gunilla and I would like to be on the wait list

  24. Rhys Scott says:

    Sara and I would love to be added to the waitlist. Thanks!

  25. Donna Williams says:

    Donna and Doug Williams are so happy that they joined SKABC. Looking forward to the paddle and pizza with other club members.

  26. Laurel Brewster says:

    Have double kayak. Hoping to practice rescues with myself and partner. Please advise if space.

  27. Mary Christine Mani says:

    Hello Nick and club members
    When is this trip planed for? Dates?
    Or is it already done.

  28. Sarah Cummins says:

    Hi SKABC. I was on the Gambier trip with Nick Heath 4to 6th Aug . The participants of that trip were saying that facilitators of the rescues practice would like some help to assist folk through rescues . I am proficient with rescues and practiced many this year. . I would be happy to participate in a rescue practice session and to assist with coaching . Unfortunately I am already busy for the 21 Aug . Please give me heads up if any more rescue sessions are on the horizon and I would be happy attend. Thanks. Sarah Cummins 604 786 7191

  29. Stuart McIntyre says:

    Great session hosted by Susan, ably supported by Richard and Scott.
    Really learned a lot.
    Thanks very much for holding this session guys and thank you for your support.

  30. Lisa Gray says:

    Waitlist please, for me and Sandra Waddle, also a SKABC member. Thank you!!

  31. Sue Johnson says:

    Please add my name to your waiting list. Thanks, Sue

  32. Stuart McIntyre says:

    Thanks for all of your help Susan

  33. Gunilla Oberg says:

    I would like to join this course, if possible. I bought myself a kayak a month ago – and have been going on day-trips two to three times a week since I bought it. I have been paddling now and then in borrowed or rented kayaks since I was a child but I have never taken any lessons. I would love to join this course. I am particularly interested in route planning and navigation techniques. I know how to read a map (orienteering) but have only looked over the shoulder on sea charts… I would also like to know more about equipment care. I feel rather fumbly and not sure what’s important and not.
    My phone number is 604 306 9900.

  34. Stuart McIntyre says:

    Hi, my name is Stuart, Stu, McIntyre. I arrived in Vancouver about four weeks ago and would love to join you guys in any training and any paddles you think suitable. I havent kayaked for a year more, really due to Covid..
    I haven’t had any formal training, but I did enter the Devizes to Westminster canoe race and completed 76 miles.
    However, since then I’ve done very little fitness etc.
    I think it would make sense for me to join the beginners session and learn to roll as I’ve done this formally.
    If you get any cancellations I can join you at short notice, but I don’t have a kayak yet, so would need to rent / borrow one for the session. My cell number is 6043765303.
    Thanks very much. Stu

  35. Susan Huumo says:

    Hello…nothing happens when i click on the instructors…I am interested in participating in this course…ty…Susan

  36. Doug Williams says:

    I signed up my wife Donna a few days ago so she should be on the list . At the time I asked to be put on the wait list and I’d still like to do the course if a space comes up. thanks.

  37. Stephanie Ratzlaff says:

    I am interested if another space becomes available. Thanks for adding me to the waitlist. Stephanie Ratzlaff

  38. Mary Christine Mani says:

    Hello, where is the location of this meeting?

  39. Alexandra Kucharski says:

    Hi there,

    Please put me on the wait list, I would like to join!



  40. Nick Conbere says:

    Hi, I would like to sign up for this course. Could I be put on the wait list?

    I will sign up for the May 30 course date, but if May 15 opens up, then I’d prefer to switch. Thank you!

    Nick Conbere

    • Yekaterina Yushmanova says:

      Nick, please let me know if you would like to switch by the end of the day tomorrow (Wednesday May 12th). Looks like we have a cancellation. I sent you an email as well.

  41. Vincent Law says:

    Please add me to waitlist

  42. George Prevost says:

    Please add me to the waitlist: George Prevost

  43. Sarah Cummins says:

    Would like to join zoom meeting

  44. Sanja Savic Kallesoe says:

    I would like to join the ZOOM meeting on January 11

  45. Nancy Flexman says:

    Wonderful…a great way to Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas. Thank you all for a hopeful 2021!
    Cheers Nancy Flexman

  46. Allan Edwin says:

    It was a fantastic weekend all around. It gave me a real lift to see everyone who came out to share the experience — members old and new. We had just about the full menu of paddling conditions, to everyone’s delight. Thank-you all for the amazing pictures and company. I look forward to seeing you all again on the next trip!

  47. Jayne Hardy says:

    I would like to go on this trip but I do not plan on participating in any potluck meals. I will prepare my own.

  48. Nicole Beissner says:

    Interested to join for this event.

  49. Wayne Gooch says:

    Thanks to Mike Gilbert for a clear explanation of proper use of modern VHF radios.
    I learned a lot. As someone who is new to the Kayaking community as well as VHF radios, I appreciate the opportunity to participate.

  50. Yekaterina Yushmanova says:

    I would love to add myself and my family to the wait list for this one. Thank you!

  51. Susan Huumo says:

    Hello…I know everything was put on hold right about the time we were applying for this trip but I have never heard back and do not see my name on the list. As this trip is still pending I am just wondering if I am potentially going….fingers crossed…Susan

  52. George Prevost says:

    I’d like to be added to the wait list, please.

  53. Lorraine Sharpsteen says:

    Please put me on your wait list. Thanks, LorraineSharpsteen

  54. Chantal Ethier says:

    Following the COVID-19 Announcement sent yesterday, we have received very positive and encouraging messages from our members expressing their appreciation for the decisions made by the Exec and expressing their support and caring for families, friends, club members and our communities. Honestly, we have the best club members bar none! Thank you all for your support and please continue to look after yourselves and those around you and stay in touch through one of the many channels available to us. Chantal

  55. Marina Gilson says:

    Hi, I’d like to be on the wait list please.


  56. Sarka Lhotak says:

    Hi Jayne, Can you please put me on the wait list. Thanks, Sarka

  57. Carole Fitzgerald says:

    I’d like to be on the wait list, please.

  58. Vincent Law says:

    Wow – this filled up fast!

    I recently read Adventures in Solitude by Grant Lawrence recently. It’s a fun read and talks about the history of the area. Highly recommended and is available if anyone wants to borrow it.

    Pls put me on the wait list.

  59. Theresa Davies says:

    I am available and would like to be on a waiting list.

  60. Kevin Amos says:

    Susan you can click on the instructors link in the registration section to get all 3 email addresses.

  61. Susan Huumo says:

    Hello…I am interested in this trip leader course…could someone post one of the instructors email addresses pls

  62. Vincent Law says:

    If anyone wants to carpool I’ll b driving from Kitsilano and can pick you up if you’re on the way. I can take 3 paddlers.

  63. Lorraine Sharpsteen says:

    I enjoyed the campsite we had last year (#4?) because it was a bit separated from the other sites.

  64. Allan Edwin says:

    The forecast for Sunday is sunshine, so I am planning to bring my boat out to go paddling after the meeting. I welcome any club members who want to come along 🙂

  65. Susan Huumo says:

    I would like to put my name on the wait list please. Susan Huumo. Thank you

  66. Admin says:

    We’ll book the group camping area this winter. If you have input as to which site we should book, please post it in the comments.

  67. Allan Edwin says:

    You all look wonderful. I’m sorry I missed it again, but I am glad to be working with all of you.

  68. Susan Servos-Sept says:

    Can you come if you don’t have your own kayak?

  69. Susan Servos-Sept says:

    I love how easily the website works and how informative it is. Also, the registration now. Thanks very much to everyone responsible for this and to all of you who work so hard to make the club such a success.

  70. Rita Buchwitz says:

    Way to go you guys! Need help in future? Just post it!

  71. Susan Johnson says:

    I will be there. Sue Johnson

  72. Avaleigh Neill says:

    Coming to BBQ,
    Avaleigh Neill

  73. Stan Pennors says:

    I’m coming!
    Karin I’ll bring your 2 books as well 🙂


  74. Martin Feuchtwanger says:

    Actually spelled “Caulfeild”

  75. Nicholas Heath says:

    I posted a weekend Oct 14/15 for inspecting the Howe Sd sites. This could be considered, in part, a conservation activity. However, I agree that a separate activity is better.
    I guess this will not be part of the Gt Canadian Shoreline Cleanup? There is merit in being included in that nation -wide effort.
    The challenge is to find a kayak-accessible site that is not being cleaned by anyone else (parks multiplicities)and is not too remote. Then the next challenge is getting out the material if there is too much for a kayak, which there usually is. I’m willing to help with my skiff.
    I suggest the S end of Pitt Lk.

  76. Marc Spiess says:

    We enjoyed Tantulus so much last week, the bear box was a much needed addition that is critical for groups.

    Now I am considering next time visiting a campsite to bring a 5 gallon pail, wood toilet seat, toilet arrow sign and some tools to make a movable loo. Maybe we could discuss sometime at a upcoming meeting. Due to the gov’t hands being tied by cost/enviro regulations perhaps there are some simple ways we could keep people away from going immediately upstream of the water sources.

  77. Rita Buchwitz says:

    thank you Nick! you are most dedicated member i know to maintaining these sites!

  78. Roland Stefani says:

    What is the difference between cocoa mix and cocoa powder? Both are in the recipe?