Who We Are

Winter Day Paddle on SoundSKABC is a club of independent kayakers who love the adventure of exploring our coastline by kayak. SKABC's mission is to promote fellowship, safety, the exchange of information and skills, to encourage concern and respect for the environment, and above all to enjoy sea kayaking.

As a non-profit volunteer run club, our collective membership focuses on providing its members with trips for all levels of expertise, training to ensure we all have the skills to paddle safely and an appreciation of marine conservation issues.

We are always looking for new members who want to develop and/ or share skills and knowledge of this tremendous recreational pastime. All members and non-members are welcome at our monthly meetings. Find out more by catching up on the latest club news! Club policies and bylaws can be found here. A detailed history of SKABC is on the Club History page. The club welcomes new members–join us


kayak club picnic