Thanks to the Social Committee and everyone who made our Christmas party fun! Here are some photos!

"We have the BEST people amongst us here tonight, and we also have the WORST. First, there is Steve Best. He is sitting at my table. Most people WILL recognize Steve as he is a long term volunteer with SKABC and in the kayak community as a whole. He is also our champion steward for Howe Sound. The other best is Johan Worst, also sitting at my table – beside Steve Best. Most of you will NOT know him as he is a new member. As his friend, I can tell you that besides being a strong paddler, Johan is a talented base and guitar musician who has played in symphonies, rock bands, jazz bands and everything in between. His music is amongst the tunes you are hearing tonight. That is the best and the worst bit of trivia that I have to share with you tonight." - Sue Johnson
So glad to see you all. Happy holidays and see you in the New Year!