BC Trails Day on June 5th - film night coming up
The first ever BC Trails Day was on Saturday June 5th. SKABC supports this initiative by the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC to recognize the importance of our trails (land and water!). This has been especially true during the pandemic!
Information https://www.orcbc.ca/bctrailsday/
Events List https://www.orcbc.ca/events/category/bc-trails-day/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/orcbc.ca
A themed film night is being organized for SKABC members. Stay tuned for details.
World Ocean's Day on June 8th - submit your photos
June 8th marks the beginning of World Ocean's Week which is a worldwide event of the United Nations to celebrate and conserve the world's oceans. This coincides with 'The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup' https://shorelinecleanup.ca/, an event that members can participate in by joining existing cleanups or making your own. Some communities are not encouraging group cleanups this year due to COVID so please use the appropriate precautions. The BC Marine Trails group is encouraging all clubs to be a part of World Oceans Week and to send your photos to WOW@bcmarinetrails.org. Please be sure to note that you are from SKABC!
UN https://www.un.org/en/observances/oceans-day