Nominate an Endangered River

Hello to everyone,

Please find the below forwarded email from the Outdoor Research Council of BC where we state that we are in the preparation of the 2014 Endangered Rivers List. Individual nominations as well as group nominations of ORC’s membership organizations will be reviewed.

I invite participation as well as collaboration on making one or several nominations to this project.

I for one consider the Coquitlam River hugely compromised and I feel the recreation level has been overlooked and considered minimal. It seems like with the onslaught of building up the mountain as quickly as possible overrode the actual impact and future impact of this watershed on many levels.

Please take time to consider a familiar river or a river of interest that has provoked your interest in the way it is being used for development or other use or future plans for its use.

Nominate individually or send your river of interest and other information to me and I will submit ‘a river’ of concern on behalf of the Sea Kayaking Association of British Columbia.

Thanks for your time,…
Linda Rushow
SKABC Conservation Officer

From: Outdoor Recreation Council of BC []
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:22 AM


The Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (ORC) will publish its 2014 Endangered Rivers List in April. Rivers included in the List will be those on which public recreation is considered by ORC's Endangered Rivers Committee to be the most endangered or threatened. The Committee will review nominations from members of ORC's member organizations and other individuals active in outdoor recreation. Persons or organizations making a nominations are requested to provide as much of the information listed below as possible. Public recreation which might be threatened or endangered might include fishing, canoeing, kayaking, birdwatching, hiking or just walking by the river.

To make a nomination please go to:

Or go to the home page of the Outdoor Recreation Council website at and follow the links

In 2013 the Peace River was nominated by more than 200 individuals and organizations as a result of which it headed the 2013 list by a wide margin and the environmental assessment process for the proposed Site C dam on the Peace is now under way. In 2014 we are looking for nominations for threatened rivers other than the Peace, such as the Similkameen (high dam proposal south of Princeton) and the Fraser (toxic waste plant near Chilliwack). There will undoubtedly be others! And the more nominations the better so we can develop a comprehensive and informative list.

Please distribute this request for nominations to members of your organizations and to as many other members of the recreating public as possible.

Thank you for participating in this important annual survey

Jeremy McCall

Jeremy McCall
Executive Director
Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
47 West Broadway
Vancouver BC V5Y 1P1

"Promoting access to and responsible use of BC's public lands and waters for public outdoor recreation"

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