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SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS3112345677:00 PM - January Club Meeting via Zoom at 7pm91011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112308 JanAs we are in the depths of winter, please join us for a special presentation on cold water safety by Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, aka Dr. Popsicle. Dr. Giesbrecht is a Professor of Thermophysiology in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, at the University of Manitoba. He studies human responses to exercise/work in extreme environments and has been the Director of the Laboratory for Exercise and Environmental Medicine since 1991. Public welcome! Following the presentation there will be an opportunity to socialize in breakout rooms. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81349594732?pwd=IsmW6kxVUr6ZjSs8E6qKi38dSrnj1N.1 Meeting ID: 813 4959 4732 Passcode: 873693Land Acknowledgement
SKABC acknowledges that our activities span many Territories and Treaty areas. We recognize and thank the Indigenous peoples who live and care for these lands and waters today, and those many generations who did so in the past. Learn more