Twenty plus club members gathered at Locarno Beach for a summer picnic. As the evening progressed we had visits at our tent from potential members, games of Cornhole, and a demo of how to paddleboard with a dog. Thanks to everyone who helped make our first in-person social event of 2021 a success! Credit to Sue Johnson and Quirine Schuyff for the photos.
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SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS262728293031127:30 PM - February Club Meeting: Wildlife Weekends45679:00 AM - Fraser River, 2B91011121314161718192021232425262728Land Acknowledgement
SKABC acknowledges that our activities span many Territories and Treaty areas. We recognize and thank the Indigenous peoples who live and care for these lands and waters today, and those many generations who did so in the past. Learn more