Guest speaker resources and links from Jackie Hildering

SKABC welcomed Jackie Hildering as guest speaker on humpback whales for our January club meeting. Here is a message from her with links she referenced in her presentation.

Thank you again so much for your interest and enthusiasm for “The Return of Giants”.

The survey link I referenced is here It addresses information provided in the presentation and at The survey takes an average of 10 minutes and helps us know the value of the presentations and in applying for grants for further education. As mentioned, we have provided a 15% discount code for Whale Warning Flags at the end of the survey.

What follows at the end of this message, after my signature, are links that may be of further use.

Please do follow us on social media and share content to educate and engage others.

Thank you for your time and shared concern for the welfare of marine wildlife, and vessel operators.

Warm wishes,


Jackie Hildering
Education / Communications Director and Humpback Researcher
Marine Education and Research Society


Links / information that may be of further use:

To help with positioning “See a Blow? Go Slow!” signs, please see the questionnaire at

Summary of the Canadian Marine Mammal Regulations, Emergency Measures for the Southern Resident Orca and best practices:

MERS video “How to Save a Whale”:

Our filmed presentations, includes “Boaters and Marine Mammals - Safety and Stewardship”, note that we use a system of people requesting presentations by filling in a form so we have a better idea of what audience is being reached.

Sightings related:

To download the BC Cetacean Sightings WhaleReport app: For information on how this interfaces with the “Whale Report Alert System”:

To share photos (taken outside 200 m) with us for the purposes of identifying individual whales or sightings of branded sea lions, please see

Ocean Store

Our Ocean Store with a direct link to the Whale Warning Flag and sustainable gift ideas:

Further ways to help

Includes Humpback Whale sponsorship and donations:

Links relevant to questions resulting from Monday's presentation

The Marine Detective on social media:

Research papers:

Our MERS trap-feeding research (novel feeding strategy):

Dr. John Ford’s paper “Fight or flight: antipredator strategies of baleen whales”

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