Thinking Outside the Kayak

Submitted by Susan Johnson

When is a kayak more than a vessel for crossing water? When it becomes an object of art and is the most expensive decorative attraction in the house, of course! We are told it is best for our kayak accessories to have more than one use when on a trip. Well, my kayak has more than one use.

It all started when I changed from a non-window garage door to an insulated windowed garage door. I appreciated the additional natural light in my garage. Then it occurred to me that if I installed a window in the door between the garage and adjoining office, I could take even further advantage of that light.kayak_indoors

While waiting for my custom-ordered window for my office passage door, I planned how to create a decorative, nautical view around my kayak against the far wall of the garage. After all, when I sit at my desk beside the passage door and look out into the garage, I wanted something nice to look at, not garbage cans and dirty gardening tools. I painted the concrete floor and lay down a carpet that Thom no longer wanted. Then Craigslist provided me with an inexpensive sideboard, and it was fun shopping for nautical accessories to complete the scene.

The window view is a facade because the rest of the garage holds ugly storage boxes, but it is a fun facade. So do laugh when I tell you that my kayak is the largest, most expensive decorating piece in my house!
Susan Johnson


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