WIP Kayak destination info sheets

NOTE: All information contained in Kayak Destination Info Sheets is dated and must be confirmed by kayakers before departing, and is provided without warranty. Some information will be out of date -- it is up to you to confirm info about services and conditions. (Last update May 2014.)

You can view, print and download the info by clicking on the links below.

Map to Deer Group



For information on creating or updating info sheets, see the bottom of this page.

To update the Kayak Destination Info Sheets or associated maps above, please contact Eric Schwartz C.604.724.7589.

To create and submit new Kayak Destination Info Sheets and Maps:

Sustainability Notice: detailed information on updating existing Kayak  Destination Info Sheets and copies of source MS-Word documents can be accessed by requesting permission from the webmaster to Kayak Destination Info Sheets – Source Documents and Maps