Monthly club meetings – In person or on Zoom?

  • This topic has 37 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick Heath.
  • Creator
  • #23268
    George Prevost

    Members of the executive sometimes hear requests that the club return to holding monthly meetings in person rather than on Zoom.  What are your thoughts?  Do you have a preference?  If so, what are your reasons?

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  • #23275
    Heather Harbord

    I much prefer Zoom because I live in Powell River and would not drive down for the meetings as motels and ferries would make them exhorbitantly expensive. It’s fun to meet people in the breakout rooms though I don’t always stay for them. Can’t you do both?

    Quirine Schuyff

    Like Brian, I see the merit in both.
    I prefer in person meetings as they just feel more real and I have spent enough time on my computer in recent years. It is more natural to mingle and chat.
    I think having a combination of both would be ideal. Perhaps having an in person one every second or third month then zoom for each other month. Or perhaps we don’t need every month?

    Bob Maher

    I much prefer In-Person Meetings. You get to meet other member, the meetings are entertaining, the speakers have a large area to present, easy to been seen and heard. The meetings are a Social event and that has been missed by many members.

    Colleen Cole

    I understand missing the in-person meetings but through the winter, with the short days and often rainy nights, I prefer the online meetings.  I am less likely to attend when the driving conditions are unfavorable.

    I really appreciate the spring and fall flings, and other get-togethers for more socializing.  The new member paddle with the pizza afterwards that we had this year was another great way of mixing the new members with the longer term members.


    Brian Pegg

    I can see both sides of this one.  Personally I prefer in person, the online meetings resemble my work too much.


    However, the online one makes it so no-one has to travel anywhere, so a big plus in its favour.

    Rick Davies

    I am missing in-person meetings George.

    I understand that it is much easier to connect by online means. However, the feeing of interacting with fellow members is so much more when you can mix and chat for real.

    Rick Davies

    Jayne Hardy

    My preference would be to have an in-person meeting in a central location 2-3 times per year. I think we need some face to face interaction between new members and long time members. Difficult to meet new members over zoom.

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