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SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS28293012311:15 AM - Spring Fling: Cates Park to Bedwell Bay (2B)1:30 PM - Spring Fling: Shoreline paddle (2A)5:00 PM - Spring Fling Pizza Dinner12:00 AM - Southern Gulf Islands tour (3C)78912:00 AM - Weather Course - Registration page121314155:45 PM - VHF Radio Review Workshop1712:00 AM - Beginners Course - Cancelled192021222312:00 AM - Bain Creek Work Party (3B)2627282930106 MayOur May meeting will start at 7pm with a Somatic Movement class by our own Annelisa Pederson. At 7:30 we welcome Ala̱g̱a̱mił Nicole Norris, a Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist, on Clam Gardens. Nicole will speak on clam gardens, ancient intertidal features constructed by coastal First Nations of British Columbia and Native Americans of Washington State and Alaska, to enhance shellfish productivity and to feed the people. The public is welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89100145932?pwd=4GyeiIdK1QwSBIFrbgrqym7wHshpb2.1 Meeting ID: 891 0014 5932Land Acknowledgement
SKABC acknowledges that our activities span many Territories and Treaty areas. We recognize and thank the Indigenous peoples who live and care for these lands and waters today, and those many generations who did so in the past. Learn more