The sun came out for the annual BBQ at Locarno Beach on Aug 21 and more than 30 people attended. The club provided smokies and people brought potluck items. Thanks to the social committee and all who made it a fun night.
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SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS29301234567:30 PM - October club meeting via Zoom891011121314151617189:00 AM - Cancelled: Harrison River (2A)2021222324252627282930311207 OctJoin guest speaker Nathan Slater as he tells stories from his 140 day trip with Sanesh Iver in 2023 paddling from Victoria, BC to Yakutat, Alaska, covering a distance to 1935 nautical miles (3500km). Their journey led them through remote communities, abandoned industrial towns, natural hot springs, and to the base of North America’s largest tidewater glacier. Also at Monday's meeting: learn more about BC Marine Trails, the organization supporting this journey with their site information. A Zoom link is posted below. Public welcome! Meeting ID: 843 3795 7308 Passcode: 134163Land Acknowledgement
SKABC acknowledges that our activities span many Territories and Treaty areas. We recognize and thank the Indigenous peoples who live and care for these lands and waters today, and those many generations who did so in the past. Learn more