Warning re Tantalus Ldg

  • Creator
  • #22398
    Nick Heath

    Received by BC Marine Trails today

    “10 Apr 2023: For anyone using Tantalus Landing there is a deer carcass hidden in the rocks just above high tide. It is not visible unless your out of your boat and walking through the boulders. Based upon the lack of decomposition I don’t think it had been there that long. Unsure if it was a bear food cache. “

    It might be worth avoiding the site for a week or two or at least checking carefully before camping there. The tent sites are quite far from the main landing but you wouldn’t want a bear or cougar defending the exact area where your kayak is stored.  Hopefully high water will solve this problem soon enough. I’m passing along this info – not verified. Photo suggests young fawn, so a cougar kill seems the probable cause.

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