Twin Islands Camping question

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  • #17419
    Phil Jones

    Has anyone camped at Twin Islands and *not* hauled their kayak up into the main camp area, instead leaving it tied up at the dock? That curved, narrow ramp up from the dock is not friendly for getting a tandem up the hill if you’ve got an old shoulder injury and don’t want to lift your kayak up above the ramp railings to get it around the corner 8-).

    Anyone have issues with kayak theft? Do I sound like someone from NYC asking if my kayak is going to get stolen, or does that happen around here?

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  • Author
  • #17431
    Phil Jones

    Thanks for the replies! I camped there Friday night and there were kayaks everwhere: in the water, up the ramp in the woods, on the dock, basically wherever they would fit. Since everyone was taking the risk of leaving their kayaks unlocked and unattended, it gave me a great false sense of security (haha!), I slept like a baby, and paddled out the next day. I did keep my paddles and other pricier items at my campsite though.

    Juvy Ebrano

    Every single year, for the last 3yrs- we usually just left our kayaks on the dock without locking or bringing it to the top leading (by  the washroom) as i can’t carry it due to shoulder issues. But this past June, someone move our kayaks to the top landing in the middle of the night. It was early morning when I found out and it was not the greatest feeling (I mean, nothing compared if it was stolen). Lesson- lock your kayak! But be weary that during peak time- it can get really busy and get packed with group campers due to proximity to deep cove so if you can carry it to the top landing- pls do so to reserve spots for those who can’t. Happy kayaking!

    Quirine Schuyff

    When we brought our kayaks there we brought them up onto the slope right by the dock. There wasn’t much room on the dock as people were sitting everywhere.

    Heather Harbord

    I gather these Twin Islands are the ones  near Belcarra.  However, there is another set of Twin Islands off the coast of Cortes Island in the northern part of the Strait of Georgia. They are where the Queen used to stay when she took a day off on her tours of BC.  However, her German cousin who owned them, sold them to Mark Torrance from Seattle. He does NOT want people camping on the islands and has remote cameras hidden all over the islands so that the caretaker can keep an eye on what is happening. They make a nice day paddle from the Copeland Islands just north of Lund. Sometimes groups can stay at the big lodge for a price. I once stayed there as part of a Misty Isles Adventures trip so I know it is well set up and pricey.  Torrance has his own power system run from solar panels and also his own internet which he sells to people on Savary and Cortes. It’s called twincom.

    Maureen Benzon

    btw. Kayaks DO get stolen in Vancouver. Mostly from cars tops (even if locked on) and one club members lost 2 from her town house complex, so don’t get too complacent. However, I do leave mine unattended on the beach at Deep Cove and other venues, but I make sure to take my expensive paddles and electronics with me…

    I think you will be quite safe at twin islands. I have seen people leave kayaks tied to the dock, or pull them up onto the dock, but never carry them up to the camp sites. Be careful where you leave it. Someone put their kayak on the dock under the walkway, and when they got up in the morning the rising tide had caused it to be completely crushed.



    Phil Jones

    Stephen, if a Canadian did steal the boat, they would likely leave a note of apology. 8-).  We haven’t met yet but you already made me laugh and simultaneously established a small amount of skepticism about your character. Haha!

    Stephen Tarrant

    Hi Phil,

    Oh don’t worry, Canadians would never steal your boat.    By the way, what date were you planning to leave your kayak tied up to the dock overnight at Twin Islands?    😉

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