Time sensitive training registration reminders and updates

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  • #22595
    Kallie Cunningham

    This email to our members is a quick reminder about 2 Saturday courses with spaces still available, 3 date sensitive registrations and a new opening for the Weather course. Details for each of the following are available on this page (scroll down to the course calendar and details).

    We have one spot still open for Saturday April 29th for the following: 

    1. Introduction to Rolling Clinic – afternoon session.  Weather is looking great. Take advantage of it!

    2. VHF Radio review Workshop

    Coast Outdoors – “Know before you buy” event on May 10  – This free event will be cancelled if we do not meet the minimum number by May 1st.  We have requested an extension to May 2nd (after the Club meeting May 1st).

    Remote First Aid – Jun 2-4th:  We have 6 members registered. We need at least 2 more.  The course will be opened to our cross club members after May 5th if we have not met our minimum of 8 to ensure the course can be delivered.  So… don’t delay. If you have questions, email me.

    Trip Leader Workshop – May 18-25 – While there is still time, May is just around the corner.  If you are interested in leading trips, don’t miss this really informative workshop.

    Weather Course – May 27-28 – A space has opened up. If you are interested in this course, now is the time to sign up!

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