Sechart Lodge in June?

  • Creator
  • #10780
    Jonathan Stewart

    Hi, all.  Anyone interested in a several-day trip to the Sechart Lodge in Barkley Sound in June?  We could plan around a weekend for those with work schedules.

    I think most members have heard of the Sechart Lodge, but if not google the Lodge and/or Lady Rose Marine Services.  Basically, the Lodge provides access to the fabulous Broken Islands, but instead of camping we get comfy beds and meals made for us.  Slacker kayaking at its best!

    Access to the Lodge is via a coastal freighter, the Frances Barkley  from Port Alberni, or by driving to a beach in the Ucluelet area and paddling across to the Lodge.  Note if you go via the Frances Barkley you’ll need to arrive in Port Alberni the night prior.

    If you’re interested please reply and we can start putting a group together.  Maybe the Lodge will even give us a discount!

    Jonathan Stewart


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  • Author
  • #10798
    Jonathan Stewart

    Hi, Luke.  You’re added to the list; a few so far, and hopefully more to come!  I’ll get a sense of what dates work for the most people, and also check with the Lodge about available dates.  Noted that before the 18th works best for you.  Stay tuned!


    Luke Evans


    That sounds great.  Any chance it could be before June 18th?


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