Rolling Practice

  • Creator
  • #17568
    Bob Meraw

    Would anyone be interested in a rolling practice? As I am new to rolling I would need someone beside the kayak until I can manage to get over a number of times before doing it on my own. This would save perhaps numerous wet exits. My schedule is quite variable but if my workplace does not request my presence I would be happy to make time to roll.

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  • Author
  • #17586
    Mike McHolm

    I’m teaching a rolling session at Jericho tomorrow evening with Mike Gilbert (past President of Paddle Canada and SKABC member). 2 spots left. $79 through Ecomarine Paddlesports Centre.

    Mike McHolm

    Graham Lorimer

    Back in town next week.  Deep Cove or Strathcona Park work well for me.  Call if these locations work for you.



    Redouane Fakir

    I would be interested. Feel free to contact me at 778-231-7446 to coordinate a practice 🙂


    Christoph Reiners

    I would be interested but would likely not be available before Sept 6.


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