Rent or transport kayak to Porteau Cove, July 6

  • Creator
  • #24030
    Helen Clement


    Apologies, I had originally made this post asking for kayak rental or assistance getting a kayak to Deep Cove. It is actually, Porteau CoveĀ and not Deep Cove.


    I am new to the club, first excursion is planned and I am very excited… except, I do not have the proper vehicle to transport a kayak to Porteau Cove on July 6. APOLOGIES, I had originally said Deep Cove.

    Squamish Water Sports is able to transfer a kayak for me to Porteau Cove on July 6. I am delighted. In case anyone else needs to rent for this exciting day… SWS seems to be reasonable and able.

    Thank you@

    Helen Clement

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  • Author
  • #24037
    Helen Clement

    Thank you kindly for your reply. I have it all taken care of now. Much appreciated!

    Maureen Benzon

    Or if you already have the kayak and are just looking for a rack, phone Rack Attack and ask their advice.

    Karin Hartner

    Hi Helen

    Coast Outdoors which is on Kevin’s list rents out kayaks right on the water in Deep Cove. The only problem there is that there are parking restrictions in Deep Cove. so you may have to drop off your gear and park some distance away from the beach.

    Kevin Amos

    You could try Dave Middleton as listed here.

    Discounts for Members

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