Re-entry and assited rescue-Sasamat lake-August 5th 9:00am

  • Creator
  • #22971
    Ted Lam

    Hi Everyone,

    In helping each other with safety practice for the next season or still paddle in the Fall. I would like to start a pilot run this year of Wet exit, Re-entry and Assisted rescue in Sasamat lake. The idea is to help paddlers, who do not own dry suit, can work in the warm water (for the next season). Others with dry suit are also welcome.

    When: Saturday, August 5th 9:00 Am, on water.

    Where: Parking lot F (the last parking lot). Pay parking in effect, wheel cart needed.

    What to expect:

    Low and high brace,
    Draw strokes and techniques to move around and quickly approach swimmer’s boat.
    Basic wet exit, notifying others while in the water.
    Basic solo entries, with or without paddle float.
    Bow rescue.

    Using stirrup,

    Basic towing. Quick towing a paddler and boat out of danger.

    I know that many of you have years of paddling and trainings, but I believe that if the skills are not maintained, once an accident happens, we never know how to react, or with this practice we get in action quickly to help others on the trip.

    This is a practice session, not a clinic nor a course and I might learn something from you too.

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  • Author
  • #22995
    Kapila Jayaweera

    Should bring kayak wheels if you have. Easy to takedown boats to the beach.

    Debra Merchant

    Hoping to join you! Thank you!


    Ted Lam

    Thanks Kapila,

    I would need help in some demontration.

    Colleen Cole

    Thanks for doing this Ted, I will be there too!

    Ronald Simmer

    Hi Ted

    I will be there Sat morning


    Ron Simmer

    Arthur Chan

    I’ll try to join too! Thank you for organizing Ted!

    Kapila Jayaweera

    This is great idea Ted. I can come and help you as well with whatever paddles needs to learn (Assuming I know what I am doing).

    Also I can get some rolling practice as well at the same time.

    See you all next Saturday at 9am.

    Connie Waddell

    I would be interested as well.

    Thank you.


    Kathy Romses

    I’m interested!

    Thanks for offering this experience.


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