porteau to gambier

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  • #19376
    Sandra Waddle

    Hi! I am an intermediate paddler planning a trip with a similarly skilled friend porteau-gambier to camp for three nights. Are there bear lockers at all the campsites? What are bears like? I am thinking leaving with the tide receding is better for possible stops at anvil? And of course low wind forecast so early morning departure if possible. Any other advice?

    PS I thought I posted this before but don’t see it here!

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  • Author
  • #19379
    Reed Clarke

    Also, don’t forget to tell the Parks people at Porteau that you will be leaving your vehicle there overnight. It’s okay to park there, just make sure they know.

    Cameron Redenbach

    I have paddled from porteau and hiked to the peak of anvil in one long day. Wow just amazing views from the top of anvil.
    Found my old clubtread post i took the unorthodox route to avoid the bible camp

    questions ask away


    Nick Heath

    If you go to Ramillies Channel on Gambier there is a bear-proof food locker. Halkett Bay also has them, but Sir Thomas Lipton does not. I have not experienced bears at any of these locations and some Gambier folk say there are none on the island, but I don’t think that is likely or dependable. Take normal precautions and I doubt there will be a problem.

    Winds can be a problem but early morning does not necessarily avoid higher winds. The is a diurnal flow which often starts with a strong morning N outflow – the katabatic “Squamish wind”.  Then, some time around 10 am to 12 noon this often reverses to give an adabatic S inflow as the heating of the interior land mass (think of Lillooet) makes its air hot, so up it rises, sucking in a sea breeze so that, far  away in Squamish, the kite-boarders can get their maximum adrenalin rushes at about 3 pm. Nature is so considerate! Paddlers can then take sneaky advantage of tail winds both ways and these are often stronger than the tidal currents, but depending on which way the water is moving wave steepness and height is affected – and wind against current, of course, gives a steeper chop than vice versa.

    The area off Porteau and all along Montague Channel (between Anvil I and the E shore of the Sound) is a classic funnel where ‘gap winds’ and accelerated current and hence chop are often the roughest/strongest in Howe Sd.

    In unclear where in Anvil you plan on heading but irs few landing beaches have different aspects, so at least one should be sheltered.

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