Port Mellon launch site?

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  • #19430
    Helen Roberts

    Hi.  We are planning a trip up Howe Sound and are trying to figure out if we could launch from Port Mellon.  It sounds like you might be able to launch from the bottom of Dunham Road – or there might even be a boat ramp in Port Mellon.  Any info you could provide would be most appreciated.  Thanks.

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  • Author
  • #19543
    Susan Servos-Sept

    Went and checked the site out. Looks like you can drive right down to the water as the ground is firm / gravel like substance. I was there a a relatively low tide. If that is the case, tide won’t matter. Helen, will let you drive on it first incase my car sinks. Smiles!

    Allan Edwin

    Yes. Dunham Road is the launch. It’s a regional park. Note that the beach is a low gradient slope, so it’s a bit of a walk at low tide. I don’t remember if it is mostly muddy, gravel, or cobble. I think it was a mix of all three.

    Nick Heath

    Hi Helen

    Dunham Rd would be my choice, as shown on the BCMT map. SCRD Park.  The mill site appears to behind a security gate. Maybe there is a ramp there: possibly it is for those who have legal access or maybe day use, but I doubt you could leave a car there.

    From Dunham Rd/ McNair Ck it is easy paddling to Bain Ck or N’wards. You lucky folk get to avoid crossing Montague Channel, too.

    There is also another beach at the creek mouth 400 m S of Dunham Rd we call Dakota Ck but we don’t show it (yet) on the BCMT map. It is mostly used by locals (dog walkers by day and revellers by night?) but also part of the same Park, I believe.

    Pl let us know your experience using this launch.  It looks good from both land and sea.  Here’s hoping the local residents are friendly, unlike those at Tuwanek!

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