Overnight parking Salt Spring

  • Creator
  • #17467
    Karen Matier


    Does anyone know if there is overnight parking at Southey Point on Salt Spring Island or anywhere near by?

    Thank you.


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  • Author
  • #17520
    Karen Matier

    Thank you everyone for the help. I had also contacted the Chamber of Commerce on Salt Spring and was told we could park anywhere there was not a sign that said we couldn’t. We launched at Southey point and parked next to a fence at the end of the road next to the launch site. Vehicle was still there 3 days later yeah! There is a sign there that asks you don’t park in front of the driveway gate so we didn’t. We did check out some more launch sites there is a good spot at Hudson Point and has parking along theĀ  side of the road. We had also checked out Arbutus road and there is some parking there also.



    Nick Heath

    I was recently at Arbutus Rd (and for that reason it is now on the BC Marine Trails map – previosuly no-one had checked this launch site). Last year I was at the Southey Pt launch site across the narrow bay. Of these two, Arbutus Rd definitely has more parking.

    Throughout the Gulf Is, many road-ends have a mass-produced official signs saying “No camping or overnight parking”. No doubt with the preponderance of campers on wheels there is little to distinguish between these 2 different activities. This is complaint-driven, so one takes a chance if such a notice is posted, but a small respectfully parked vehicle might be tolerated, depending on who lives in that neighbourhood and how grumpy they are.

    I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t recall and did not record the signage posted at either of these sitse and will need to go back to check. Certainty there are several sites around SSI that lack any such signage, but the regional district might nevertheless have over-riding by-laws that put time limits on all roadside parking.

    Henry Grayman

    I live part-time on SSI and you can park overnight at Southey Point. Lots of room on Arbutus Rd. just off of Southey Point road.

    Allan Edwin

    Hi Karen – I checked the BC Marine Trails map and the launch notes indicate there is “limited parking” at road end. The photo there seems to bear that out.

    If you go to Google Maps and street view, there are clearly people parking there and no visible “No Parking” signs.

    I’ve never been there myself, so I can’t verify beyond the available resources on the web.

    Good luck!


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