• Creator
  • #15750
    R Steeves


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  • Author
  • #15951
    Mick Allen

    I thought we might be getting into an old comedy routine based on person 1 going into a restaurant  and ordering breakfast from restauranteur 2:

    1: L  O!

    2: L  O!

    1: F  U  N  E  M?

    2: S,  I  F  M.

    1: F  U N  E  X?

    2: S, I  F  X.

    1: OK, M  N  2 X!


    So  if you were really worried, you should have asked:

    R U OK?

    and I would have responded:

    S, I M OK? U?


    Cameron Redenbach

    Should we be calling medical assistance for a stroke?



    Mick Allen

    X?  Y  X?

    I F M N X.

    F U N E M?

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