New to SKABC

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Oriana Graber.
  • Creator
  • #15420
    Gord Lord


    I’m new to SKABC and interested in some of the weeknight or weekend day trips. I don’t have a wet suit or dry suit. Are those mandatory for the shorter summer trips? I believe I have all of the other safety gear.


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  • Author
  • #15423
    Oriana Graber

    Hi, I am new too and also have found this. I rarely use one and don’t have one. (i paddle in good weather usually) but I do understand the need for one on a longer trip and will be buying one.

    Also finding that I need a recent training in rescue, which I don’t have but hope to take a class soon to refresh with my new boat. So getting accepted in a group is challenging

    It is harder to sign up for trips but as I have been told, you need more caution for kayaking and having a reliable participant is important.



    Maureen Benzon

    Hi Gord,

    I agree with Karin. In summer, it is not always necessary, but you must confirm with the trip leader. If it is an informal group arranged through the bulletin board, you are responsible for yourself, but it is still a good idea to ask the coordinator what they think for the area. Most of our longer trips and all of our training require a wet or dry suit. It is worth investing in one.



    Karin Hartner

    Hi Gord

    It would depend on the location of the paddle if I were leading a trip.

    For example–Evenings in English Bay, the river or Deep Cove-no.

    Howe Sound–yes–as it can blow up.


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