New Brighton Beach?

  • Creator
  • #11213
    Miranda Mallinson

    I’m new at paddling, have started doing short trips.  I live in East Van, not far from New Brighton beach.  It’s a bit of a walk from parking down to the beach, but I’m up for that.  Just wondering if others have paddled around there much, and what issues there might be that I should be aware of.  thanks!

    Miranda M

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  • Author
  • #11218
    Miranda Mallinson

    Wow! So much helpful information!! Thank you!!  So much to learn and know!!

    Karin, I’ve gone into my profile and made my contact info visible. 😀

    Karin Hartner

    Hi Miranda–couldn’t find an email for you so I’ll paste the info here:

    Hello Ms. Hartner,
    Human-powered vessels are prohibited in the First and Second Narrows.
    There are some sections of the Harbour where human powered vessels are permitted.
    Please refer to the Port Metro Vancouver Harbour Operations Manual for details: Narrows
    Tide and wind conditions may cause turbulent seas in both Narrows. Caution should be exercised. Only adequately powered craft may pass through either Narrows. No craft under sail or oars may transit either Narrows.

    Karin Hartner

    Miranda, besides this being challenging water, you are not allowed by law to paddle in the harbour which is officially between the two bridges. Only a small area in Coal Harbour near the Rowing Club is exempt. I’ll forward you the reference.


    Miranda Mallinson

    Thanks  Thom!

    Thom Kline

    The currents can get a bit strong around the Ironworkers bridge. Plus you are in the harbour with harbour traffic which sometimes can be interesting.

    An alternative would be to go to Barnet Marine Park. Small amount of harbour traffic but mostly you are in a more natural environment and can even paddle to deep cove in North Van subject to wind and currents.

    Cheers, Thom

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