Looking for a double kayak

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  • #22194


    We are looking for a double kayak in the area of Vancouver or Vancouver Island.

    Should be good enough to do a kayak trip on the Inside Passage to Alaska.

    Best regards.

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  • Author
  • #22291
    Jennifer Gavin

    Hello Mark, I have two double kayaks for sale – a Nootka and a Nootka Plus – both in very good condition.  Used them for touring with our kids!  I am in North Vancouver.  Please let me know if you are interested.  Thank you!


    Peter Tutak

    Responding in case your search locally doesn’t come up with anything. I have a Valley Aleut II expedition tandem that would meet your needs, is in good condition, and that I’m considering selling. I’m in Seattle. Please feel free to contact if you wind up being interested. Thanks !

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