Leave No Trace

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  • #9597
    Alison Stuart

    Thanks to Roxanne, for organizing, and everyone who showed up to the discussion on Sea Kayaking and Conservation last night at the Zawa restaurant. With about 10 people attending, there was a really lively and positive discussion about how the club can become more active in being a positive force in conservation matters in BC.

    We decided to start with a discussion about Leave No Trace practices both for day trips and multi-day trips that include a camping component. We would love for people to give their thoughts in this discussion forum about Leave No Trace best practices.

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  • #9904
    Roxanne Rousseau

    Perhaps we could share the resources on the SKABC website (I was able to locate several documents) and those not accessible to the membership. I will get some clarification from the SKABC executive to find out their wishes. Perhaps we could make some recommendations – for example what Jonathon has commented on.

    Jonathan Jacobsen

    The Low Impact camping page of our website (https://www.skabc.org/conservation/conservation/#lowimpact) has the 7 basic principles, and the PDF to which its linked elaborates on them helpfully.

    Isn’t it often the case that we forget the information that we already have?

    However, our own PDF recommends burning food and whatnot, and I’m not sure that’s still considered a best practice, versus a 100% pack it out approach. I always reckoned you’ve packed in a certain volume of food, so you definitely have room in your boat to pack it out again. Wrap it all up tightly in plastic and it won’t smell, then separate and compost it at home – no big deal, at least for the typical 3 – 8 day SKABC sort of trip.

    Sandy Rubin

    The Leave No Trace website is mainly geared to back country activities although the principles are applicable anywhere.  I would like some discussion and agreement on the best way to dispose of human waste when camping near the ocean.   Is below the high tide line the best approach?  How feasible would it be to make compostable outhouses at the Howe Sound campsites currently being developed?

    John Leung

    I like the whole idea.  The best practices is mainly build on the 7 principles.  This direct link has a good description of the 7 principles: http://www.leavenotrace.ca/principles

    Also, along with the Leave No Trace web site, some BC parks also recommend the practice and have extra info for BC parks: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/notrace.html (at the end of the page of this link on pack it in pack it out, they specifically mention “biodegradable scraps such as apple cores and orange peels”.  They don’t decompose fast enough before the next hiker comes along.  So they should be packed out as well.)




    Rob Leeson

    There is a good website at Leave No Trace Canada


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