Kayak Safety Guides Aug 20

  • Creator
  • #22629
    Kevin Amos

    Hi There,
    My name is Bob Putnam, co-owner of Deep Cove Kayak, Coast Outdoors. Bram from Coast Outdoors provided me with your contact info.

    I was approached by Jessi Harewicz, safety@vowsa.bc.ca from Vancouver Open Water Swimming Association.

    She is organizing a 10 km swim event at Jericho Beach and is looking for some experienced kayakers to act as safety guides for swimmers. About 10 – 20 paddlers. I thought this might be a good fit for some SKABC members. My impression is that she is very organized and will put on a good event. She mentioned there could be a stipend for paddlers, or donation to the club.

    Please let me know if SKABC is interested in getting involved. see details below


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  • Author
  • #22889
    Kevin Amos

    As we are still in need of 15 kayakers. With or without boats (kayaks). We are planning on renting kayaks 10-15 kayaks for the event. As the start is 500m from Jericho Kayaks at Jericho Sailing Center.

    Here is our promotion video. Can you please post, on your forum. We hope it will inspire more people to come out! https://youtu.be/tqjsqMfSn-I


    Jessi Harewicz
    Safety Coordinator
    Vancouver Open Water Swim Association
    778 – 926- 6640

    Olga Rivkin


    I had a call from Jessi yesterday.  They posted the event and it is selling out very quickly.  Unfortunately, not much interest from kayakers so far.  If you are interested in helping out, I suggest contacting Jessi directly:  bayrace@vowsa.bc.ca.


    Kevin Amos

    Just letting you know we officially announce our race. And already have 10 swimmers registered! We’ve only gotten responses from two kayakers so far. Could you please share this link. We are officially going to be offering $65 honorarium to all kayakers. As well as food and snacks during the event! We have also purchase additional insurance for the kayakers. We will know soon regarding the details of the policy. As we will still recommend kayakers to have their own insurance as well.
    We are very … – Vancouver Open Water Swim Association



    Jessi Harewicz
    Safety Coordinator
    Vancouver Open Water Swimming Association
    778 – 926- 6640

    Olga Rivkin

    All, if you are interested, email the organizers directly: bayrace@vowsa.bc.ca.  I understand that they are just getting all their permits in order and will then get in touch with people.


    Kevin Amos

    Thank you so much for reaching out. I do apologize for the delay in responding. We are busy finalizing our race details. We are so excited to offer the 1st Annual English Bay Challenge 10km swim.

    Please note: we are looking ONLY for paddlers with their own ocean kayaks, safety equipment & minimum paddle one certificate qualification.
    We will also be providing some training before the event.
    Please direct all inquiries to bayrace@vowsa.bc.ca.

    Thank you again!

    Jessi Harewicz
    Safety Coordinator
    Vancouver Open Water Swimming Association
    778 – 926- 6640


    Am interested. Will you coordinate or should I contact safety@vowsa directly?

    Courtney Kohnen

    Yay it’s fun to see my two summer sports coming together! This event is the (hopefully temporary) replacement of the historic Bay Challenge 10km swim from West Van to Kits, which the current Harbour Master refuses to give permits for.

    Jessi is indeed very organized – she’s a prolific open water swimmer, having swum all of the major swims, but also local ones like circumnavigating every island in the Howe Sound, and across the Georgia Straight, so she knows the ins and outs of permitting and hosting a great event. Thanks in advance to all who are willing to spend their time helping swimmers with snacks and water, and trying to swim in a straight line!

    Olga Rivkin

    Kevin, I would love to help with this.  Olga (604) 970-6616

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