kayak practice at Lord Byng swimming pool

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  • #21274
    Vincent Law

    I’ll be at the Lord Byng pool tomorrow for rolling practice, if anyone cares to join me.

    Vincent Law

    The rules have changed. Thx for pointing it out.

    Philip Kubik

    In addition to the 15 foot upper limit on length cited by Lorraine, helmets are required. This information is only apparent during the registration process. Also, contrary to earlier information, registration opens at 12 PM on Mondays for the upcoming Friday session.

    Lorraine Sharpsteen

    I just found out from Byng pool that all kayaks must be shorter than 15 feet. So that doesn’t work for me unless someone has a shorter kayak that they’re willing to share in the future. I was able to cancel my spot for this Friday and get a full refund.

    Vincent Law

    Ted and I plan to be there this coming Friday. We can assist each other w/ exercise.

    Lorraine Sharpsteen

    Is anyone going to Byng pool for kayak practice this Friday evening? (Or any future Friday evenings?) I want to practice self rescue and attempt rolling and would love to have a buddy.

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