Is there a place we should report to if we come across a dead seal?

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  • #21618
    Karen Matier

    Paddling today we came across a dead seal by Admiral Point in Indian Arm. Is this something we should be reporting to some authority?

    Thank you for your time.

    Karen Matier

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  • #21632
    Karen Matier

    Thank you Kathy and Mike.

    I chatted with RAPP and was told  because it was a seal I was to  call the Department of Fisheries  “Observe Record and Report” line 1-800-465-4336.   I  did, you just leave a recorded message.


    Mike McHolm

    Google says “Report Sick or Dead Animals – Wildlife Health –”

    Call RAPP at 1 877 952-7277 for injured or distressed wildlife or wildlife interactions where public safety may be at risk.
    Office: 250 751-3234.
    Office: 250 751-3219.

    Kathy Romses

    You could try calling the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre 604-258-7325 (SEAL)



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