Interested in going to Newcastle Island May 26-28, 2023?

  • Creator
  • #22559
    Jayne Hardy

    Andrea K and myself are interested in a kayak camping trip to Newcastle Island May 26-28, 2023.  We will be staying in individual camp sites the night of May 26 and joining participants in the weather course in the group campsite May 27. Potluck dinner planned for May 27.  There is no formal leader for this trip so it is only open to intermediate paddlers able to do a wet exit and self rescue.  Call Jayne H before April 30, 2023 (so we can book individual campsites for May 26) if you are interested.

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  • Author
  • #22775
    Marina Dodis

    Hello Andrea, Jayne,

    Apologies for the late notice, I finally arranged a dog sitter and could come on the Newcastle trip. Let me know if this is a possibility!



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