In Person Meetings

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by Nick Heath.
  • Creator
  • #23527
    Bob Maher


    I received your email on how the Bluewater Cruising Assn. handles their meetings and that they are now charging members and guests for the In Person Meetings.

    Just curious, how is PIKA handling their In Person meetings?

    Does SKABC still have a high, five figure amount in the Bank?

    Happy Valentins Day, Bob Maher    🙂

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  • Author
  • #23528
    Nick Heath

    Bob, I can’t answer the PIKA question, but several of us are members of both clubs, so perhaps one of them will let us know? I’ve attended some of their in-person meetings in past years (as a guest) and suspect that the rental paid for their Langley meeting hall is relatively modest.

    Yes, we have substantial savings that we accumulated over the years from various sources (including, I am told, a federal government contract over-payment!). An ad hoc committee of the Exec/Board is currently analyzing our operating budget, which in recent years has been treated separately from savings.


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