Gwaii Haanas

  • Creator
  • #10771
    Nick Heath

    For those planning Gwaii Haanas trip this year, here is an opportunity to get the mandatory 1 hr talk from Parks Canada at a local site rather than hanging about for a scheduled offering in Sandspit or Skidegate, when you will likely  have better things to do…

    Sunday, April 10, 2016
    Fort Langley National Historic Site Theatre

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    If you plan on heading north this summer, you may want to take advantage of a FREE Parks Canada orientation session for Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site.  The orientation takes place in the theatre at Fort Langley National Historic Site at 2pm on Sunday April 10.

    This one-hour orientation session is mandatory before you can visit Gwaii Haanas. (Normally presented in Skidegate, completing the orientation now will allow you to enter the area by boat, directly from the mainland coast / Vancouver Island after you have made your reservations, thus making passage to the area far more convenient.) – applies to sailors only

    The orientation reviews current safety information and traveler protocols. It discusses appropriate conduct while visiting Gwaii Haanas to ensure that the area, as well as the experience of other visitors, is protected. It is also an opportunity for visitors to ask questions about their upcoming trip and ensure that they have the information that they need.  It is a legal requirement for all visitors to attend the orientation annually.

    If you will be completing the registration process at this orientation, please come prepared to complete a registration form.

    More information about visiting Gwaii Haanas can be found here.

    Even if you are just thinking about going to Gwaii Haanas this year or would like to learn more, please come and find out what’s involved in visiting this part of the world. No reservations are required.”


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