Greenland Rolling Courses, Advisory Notice

  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Mike Verkerk.
  • Creator
  • #19760
    Bob Maher

    Just wanted to caution you about Greenland Rolling Courses. Apparently, there are 35 different types of Greenland Rolls. Some are Back Breaking, some are done without Paddles, some need to be done in Greenland Kayaks and not in our stand type of kayaks i.e Nimbus, some are suited for rougher water and some Greenland Rolls would not be suited to be done in rough water.
    Just ask questions of what is being taught in the Greenland Rolling Course you select and make sure that it works for what you need.

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  • Author
  • #19764
    Mike Verkerk

    Hey Bob,

    I’m a beginner at rolling, I can roll up most of the time on my strong side.

    I attended a Greenland course with James at Deep Cove in June this year.

    There was plenty of theory that translates to rolling in general whether done with a Euro or Greenland paddle.

    Our focus for the day was learning the butterfly roll ( in reverse, then as a complete roll.

    Its true that some rolls are much easier to learn and perform in a Greenland kayak.   Getting a balance brace in his greenland boat helped me ‘feel’ what to do right in my boat….still working on it in my boat…but I know I can do it with practice.

    From that clinic, I’m more relaxed through the movements. I re-outfitted my cockpit and can roll with less effort than before.


    Mike Gilbert

    James Manke is one of the better known Greenland Rolling coaches who is also a well versed in teaching practical methodology that works (for greenland rolling).  I learned a lot from James many years ago and still use a lot of that information when teaching rolling at my clinics.

    For me small classes are important in order to provide the individual attention my students need to best attain success with this somewhat complicated sea kayak skill or technique (rolling).  So I will only take on 2 students maximum for a rolling class.

    As one of the few Paddle Canada certified Rolling Instructors in Canada I believe it is also important to be able to know the different approaches one can take to successfully learn to roll a Euro kayak vs a greenland kayak – which most of us do not use on a regular basis let alone have access to.  Being able to learn to roll using a greenland kayak and greenland method is certainly the easiest and, often, the quickest way to learning your roll.  Being able to translate what you learned in such a rolling clinic (greenland rolling) and transition to your normally paddled Euro kayak is something possibly requiring another clinic as there are parts to the technique that are different in order to have success.

    Mike Gilbert – Certified Rolling Instructor with Paddle Canada – 778-835-0774


    Maureen Benzon

    Hi Bob,

    I don’t think we need to panic about this. The standard layback or sweep roll that most of us do is the basic greenland roll. This roll is actually more ergonomic than the C-C roll. The C-C relies more on a brace and if not done correctly could result in a shoulder strain. The inefficient sweep roll just results in more time under the water

    The others are advanced rolls and you would not do them until you were ready. If you want to see what Bob is talking about check out

    Christoph Reiners

    Thanks, Bob. Do you have concerns about the rolling clinic you took in June?


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