Grant narrows deplorable conditions

  • Creator
  • #19380
    Cameron Redenbach

    Recently visiting grant narrows and questioning the awful conditions  I sent Pitt meadows a email asking why…

    here is the response :

    Good morning,

    Grant Narrows is recognized as an important recreational destination and launch point for the public. The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) does not currently have Lands Act tenure in place for the ongoing management & maintenance of the parking lot, boat launch and associated infrastructure. This means that services such as parking lot security, boat launch, washroom facilities, canoe rental and some general maintenance are not currently provided. It is recognized that this situation is not preferred and FLNRORD is working hard with other government partners to get an operator in place as soon as possible. In the meantime, FLNRORD has chosen to keep the site open in order to not restrict COVID-friendly recreational activities at the site. This means the gate will continue to be opened and closed daily to allow access (dusk till dawn) and some basic garbage removal maintained. However, those attending the site should not expect any washroom facilities or security for the time being. We also encourage the public to respect signage on-site to avoid accessing any unsafe infrastructure (docks etc.) and to ensure COVID restrictions are complied with. If members of the public have any further concerns or questions they may contact FLNRORD directly by phone (877) 855-3222 or email and their query will be directed appropriately.


    City of Pitt Meadows –

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  • Author
  • #19388
    Chris Fleming

    I launched at Grant Narrows on May 4/21.  The boat launch was being used, the place seemed clean and tidy.  There were lots of cyclists, bird watchers, and canoe paddlers.  Some boats were at the docks and several boat trailers were in the parking lot. The  only complaint I heard was from a lady expecting washrooms.  Parking was free and the gates were apparently locked at night. (I chatted with some campers at Widgeon Creek who had called someone to confirm their car would be locked in)

    Grants Landing

    Nick Heath

    Thks Cam,

    I’ve put a note about this problem on the BCMT web map. I agree with John – this has been allowed to go on since last year (or longer) when the whole launch was locked and barred for a time. The rumour I had heard was that the Katzie FN company that  previously was the operator had difficulty getting insurance (maybe because they could not or would not maintain the docks properly) so they either lost the contract as site operator or else they decided it was just not worthwhile. Anyway, this matter is obviously getting zero priority from our well-paid reps at MFLNRORD – appalling!

    If someone has more accurate info, posting it here might be useful so some of us can try to achieve resolution.

    John Drent

    Thanks Cameron for bringing that up. The level of government apathy on this is appalling.

    How much effort is required to hire the porta potty contractors to put this site back on the list for their weekly rounds. They don’t need a ” site operator” to place this order for them. The contractor has left a portable there, but installed a lock, presumably because the last site operator didn’t bother to pay his bill. Seems like the boys at   FLNRORD are asleep at the switch.  I’m going to call that number.


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