Gambier Island – TRIP NOW POSTED – Feb 17,18,19

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Quirine Schuyff.
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  • #23472
    Quirine Schuyff


    Gambier Island 2024 –  Feb 17, 18, 19

    Family Day Weekend Camping/Cabin on Gambier – 2B (with rocky landing, possible wind)

    Come and enjoy some winter paddling with the benefit of a rustic cabin with a wood stove to warm up in. You may choose to sleep in the rustic cabin or bring a tent to sleep in. There are a few flat spots on a sloped property. There is a stream for water which can be used for cooking. It can be used for drinking if filtered.

    One purpose of this trip is to give back to our gracious Gambier host by helping with some tasks on the property. This may be: blackberry bush clearing, firewood cutting, building a shed, or something else.


    Depending on whether we have use of an ATV or not, this trip may involve walking up a rugged and steep road/hill for about 150m with your gear (and back down.) Please ensure you bring adequate footwear for this.
    Our host prefers that stove use is kept to outside use only, so ensure that you have a stove capable of handling varied types of weather.
    This site involves using an outhouse for toilet needs
    Trip Leader: Quirine —- Co leader: Ken Bigelow

    Ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale – 9:45am

    We will launch from Langdale.

    Option 1: walk your loaded boat on the ferry from Horseshoe Bay (need good wheels)
    Option 2: drive car, boat and gear onto ferry and park at Langdale (may be cheaper and easier)

    Langdale to Gambier landing area:

    3.9 NM direct
    5.4 NM hugging coastline – safer choice if v windy.

    Passage time 2-3 hr.

    Suggested Itinerary:

    Sat morn.

    Launch: Langdale

    Arrive, set up camp, beds, unpack etc.

    Tour of the property if needed

    Sat eve:

    Communal meal – participants are asked to contribute to food costs for this if joining.


    Breakfast on our own or communal? – TBA

    Paddle or hike if the weather is favourable. Also do some tasks on the property.

    Sun eve:

    Communal dinner

    Monday morning:

    Breakfast –

    Pack up for return trip – bring gear down to launch site.

    Launch from Gambier at 12:00pm latest

    3:15pm Ferry from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay

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