I had a Delta 17 Sport with a rudder for about 4 years. All in all, it is a good kayak for beginners to intermediate paddlers who are not quite pushing the limits in kayaking.
Pros: good price, light, lots of room, surfs well, rolls well, local manufacturer
Cons: loose fit inside – had to add foam pads for a snug fit, hatches were not perfectly dry (this may have been fixed in latest model), mushy foot pegs (at least the model with rudder), seat uncomfortable after about 2 hours of paddling
During paddle fest, I tried a British boat at Jericho and I immediately noticed how much better it handled the waves than the Delta and shortly thereafter I bought a Valley boat.
Having said that, for paddling in normal conditions, the Delta 17 is a perfectly good choice and I would recommend the Sport model. Good luck!