Considering buying a Delta 17' kayak

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Quirine Schuyff.
  • Creator
  • #16035
    Sue Johnson

    If anyone has experience with this kayak, please comment regarding pros and cons, how it would work for 7 days worth of camping, comfort, and performance.

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  • Author
  • #16041
    Quirine Schuyff

    I own a Delta 17. The biggest factor for me was the weight. I wanted something I can lift on my own.I can’t afford kevlar so…..

    It isn’t super fast, and doesn’t turn easily or quickly. It is very stable and I actually have a hard time edging in it, which could just mean I need more practice.  One thing I read in reviews, and agree with is: it feels wobbly and unstable in following seas.

    Lots of space but I was actually surprised how quickly I filled it for a 4 day solo trip I did. (I did bring too much food and wine, and drinking water.)

    The cockpit is huge and I definitely have too much room at the sides. I bought the hip pads but haven’t installed them yet. Western did warn me that they thought the cockpit was too big for me but I like the extra space so I can move my legs and hips around.  The day hatch takes up a remarkable amount of space in the cockpit for the size it is. It is very handy though.

    I had an issue with my day hatch being leaky, that they fixed.

    If you would ever like to give it a try for an hour, a couple of hours or a day, I can meet you at Jericho.

    Martin Ryer

    I bought a Delta 17′ in late August, 2018. I can’t say enough great things about it! Incredible storage space, comfortable, light weight and it handles big water exceptionally well – very very stable! I am very proud of my new Delta and I highly recommend you purchase one.

    Jonas Lindgren

    I had a Delta 17 Sport with a rudder for about 4 years. All in all, it is a good kayak for beginners to intermediate paddlers who are not quite pushing the limits in kayaking.

    Pros: good price, light, lots of room, surfs well, rolls well, local manufacturer

    Cons: loose fit inside – had to add foam pads for a snug fit, hatches were not perfectly dry (this may have been fixed in latest model), mushy foot pegs (at least the model with rudder), seat uncomfortable after about 2 hours of paddling

    During paddle fest, I tried a British boat at Jericho and I immediately noticed how much better it handled the waves than the Delta and shortly thereafter I bought a Valley boat.

    Having said that, for paddling in normal conditions, the Delta 17 is a perfectly good choice and I would recommend the Sport model. Good luck!





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