Conservation Group Meet Up & Earth Day Paddle for April 2016

  • Creator
  • #10898
    Roxanne Rousseau

    Dear Club Members, Two activities to share with you:

    1. On Monday April 18th 2016 join us at Zawa’s Restaurant located at 920 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC at 7:00 pm,  for our round table sharing of information on a wide range of topics in hopes of furthering positive kayaking experiences on our coastal waterways.

    Topics on the menu this month will include: – sharing information on bike carts for kayaks, – proposed clean up with the BCMTNA in the Discovery Island Group and – celebrations on Earth Day (Friday 22nd April 2016 – see below) in addition to food and drink. If the weather is warm we will gather on the restaurant’s outdoor patio!

    Your host for this event is Roxanne Rousseau. Contact her (Conservation Chair) if you have any questions.  You will be engaged!

    2. On Friday 22nd April 2016 – Earth Day Paddle for the Coast: 

    Our club has been contacted by the hosts of this activity, the Dogwood Initiative and the Sea to Sky group to participate in a paddle in False Creek on Friday April 22nd 2016. If you are interested in participating please contact Shirley at or Roxanne at

    This  paddle is not sanctioned by SKABC, however members have expressed an interest in participating to celebrate and support those with a passion for protecting our coast. We will have on-water leaders and if you do plan to attend please be responsible for your safety while on and off the water.

    Launch will be from Vanier Park at 330 – 400 pm (ramp nearest the Coast Guard facility); There is pay parking if arriving by car. Paddle will be to and from False Creek (near Science World) and will take place from 500-700 pm. There will be a social after for networking. We hope to have a good turnout! Please see poster from Dogwood and Sea to Sky in link below (copy and paste to your browser) for more information and to share.

    Bye for now,


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  • Author
  • #11140
    Shirley Brunke

    Looking forward to getting on the water with everyone on Friday, Earth Day. I’ll arrive just after 3 pm to help out. As a kayaker I want to express my concern for the health and well being of our ocean. I’m bringing my Earth Day flag. I’m up for socializing at the pub afterwards too.

    RSVP me if you are coming.

    Hope to see you there.

    Shirley Brunke

    Sandy Rubin

    Really looking forward to paddling with like-minded kayakers on Earth Day.  A great opportunity to increase awareness of the impact of pipelines and tankers on our beautiful coast, ocean and marine life.  Dogwood will have people on the seawall near Olympic Village talking to people about the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion and the Woodfibre LNG development.   Hoping for a great turnout!


    Linda Schwartz

    Thanks Roxanne,

    The April 22nd paddle in False Creek is a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day!  Although the paddle is not sanctioned by SKABC, it is an excellent opportunity for us to show support for and promote the club’s appreciation of marine conservation issues and encourage concern and respect for the environment.


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