BCMT: Volunteering

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  • #22645

    Do any of you volunteer and/or maintain a membership with BCMT in addition to SKABC? Is it worth it?

    I’m hoping to volunteer in any stewardship kind of initiative and I see that SKABC has taken initiative over Howe Sound. How much more might BCMT offer for volunteering and community that I will not already find here at SKABC? Also trying to be mindful of stretching myself too thin.

    How do I get in on the action with the Howe Sound groups?

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  • #22686

    Thank you all

    Debra Merchant

    Is BCMT worth it? Absolutely! I hope you can zoom into our June meeting as one of our intro speakers is Karina Younk, Stewardship Chair for BCMT. Karina will be telling us more about the Coastal Caretakers program. That’s one way to be involved. In addition to Steve’s info, this post may be of interest to you; https://www.bcmarinetrails.org/the-bc-marine-trails-its-work-benefits-and-perks

    Being a BCMT member is a good stewardship initiative all on its own as membership shows public/paddler support for the work being done on our behalf. Many of us are members of both.



    Nick Heath

    Thks Jimmy. I’ll echo what Steve said. At present, at lest 3 SKABC members are current BCMT Directors and many SKABC members are also BCMT members.

    Typically, BCMT volunteer events are multi-day and further afield, mostly in spring or summer. SKABC volunteer opportunities are scheduled year-round,  often with less notice given to participants, but not always so. Mostly they are locally based day trips.

    Both groups have done beach/site cleanups, site development and invasive species removal. In addition BCMT does site assessment work. BCMT members are encouraged to complete a Site Condition Report for each site they visit, to keep site information up-to-date and to alert others of any urgent hazards or maintenance needs.

    SKABC is a founding member of BCMT. I hope you choose to be a member of both organizations – each has its role.

    Steve Best

    At least two SKABC members are directors with BCMT and many more are members/volunteers. Aside from supporting the work BCMT does, the $30 membership is worth it just for the trip planning tools available to members on our interactive map and the site downloads available for your GPS. And there are volunteer opportunities available for site assessments, cleanups, and invasive species removal at marine trails sites. And there’s the new Coastal Caretaker program.

    As for the Howe Sound sites, email me at s2smarinetrail@skabc.org, filling me in on your availability and kayaking experience.  Many of our volunteer opportunities are mid-week and/or kayak based, but there are also weekend and powerboat based events.

    Steve Best, Howe Sound Marine Trail Steward, SKABC

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