Reply To: Camping Hammocks – anyone have any experience using camping hammocks?

Cameron Redenbach

Just my .02

I originally purchased one of the original Hennesy hammock with Velcro entrance on the bottom.
Unfortunately I took it on one of the longest trips I ever went on for 2 weeks. And quickly discovered many of the down sides of the design. Over all it was that I froze my butt off almost every night. For myself I found that it was more designed for a warmer climate that did not require a lot of extra quilts or pads. And I sold it and now I have a lightweight hammock for summer lounging.

some of the issues:
-required better attachment to trees, upgraded aftermarket buckles or clips
-requires completely independent fly ridge line
-larger fly with protection from wind
-side zippers that eventually happened
-place for gear and boots

For me the fly was a large issue and I discovered from forums and YouTube videos. The issue was rope sag on the main hammock line which the fly attached. Which independent attaching to a separate ridge line kept it tight. And stop flapping and better protection from wind. These days a lot more aftermarket options are available in regards hammock pads, under quilts, over quilts. Multiple companies offer hammock specific tarps that solve a lot of options.

The best I can suggest is to hit YouTube shugemery is channel name. He has done a lot of newbie hammock videos and FAQ. As well multiple different designs hang types etc. Highly recommended.
With that info in hand you can determine the extra gear required on top of the hammock purchase. And make your decision if the cost is worth you giving it a go.
If you have any further questions drop me a email