This is apparently the second year in the Dept. of Forests’ new policy for Recreation Sites. They have put contract hosts at several in the Powell River area and are charging $15/night. Triton, who wears a green host vest and drives around in a black truck with “HOST” in the windshield, is in charge of Shingle Beach. He says PLEASE check with him before parking and if you can’t reach him, park up above the beach, not on it.
Have a look at his website: If you have questions, send him an email at:
NB Use this website rather than going through BC Recreation Sites websites which may give conflicting information.
If you are using Shingle Beach as your launch point we ask that you park in designated paring areas and leave basic information on a card, visible on your dash, including name and number of people in your party, your destination, when you expect to be back and a cell number to reach you as well as an emergency contact number. He charges $5 a day for parking.