Reply To: Richard's folding kayak racks – brilliant!

Chantal Ethier

Hi Heather,

Thank you for the wonderfully positive feedback.  We thought this session might come in handy for many of us who struggle with storage.  I couldn’t agree more with you that this price is spot on and the design is simple and practical.  All in all it is brilliant and a win-win.

I was thrilled to see what Richard came up with when I first spoke to him about this.  A friend of mine had made a set of kayak stands, which as it turns out was quite a bit pricier, not as sturdy and way more complicated.  Richard stuck to the KIS method (Keep It Simple) and the result as evidenced by your comments is pretty much what I had hoped for.

Enjoy the stands and thanks for taking the time to write about the workshop and giving it 5 stars – that’s more than I could have hoped for.  🙂
