Hi Peter
I see Nick has already replied with similar information. Here’s a bit more…..
Thanks for choosing to come to our Gulf Islands for a paddling holiday.
It might be a good idea if you go on the BC Marine Trails Network web site to plan your trip….you will find all the kayak accessible campsites in the area you want to paddle and it is well marked on a map. Camping is not permitted at Winter Cove. It is a day area only. There is also no public camping on Mayne Island. But if you search Mayne Island camping you will find the only camping on that Island at Seal Cottage on Active pass. Since you have a B&B reservation, sounds like it might be better if you camp on one of the Penders which have two kayak accessible sites. The distances aren’t huge and you should be able to get back to Bennet Bay easily on your schedule especially as you are in a double.
I would strongly encourage you to buy proper marine chart (Canadian Hydrographic Services-Nautical Charts-also part of Dept of Fisheries and Oceans) for the area as it will inform you of currents and you can also go to the Government of Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans to obtain detailed tide information.
As for safety equipment–should be the same as for American waters. Do you paddle in the San Juans? I’d say you are choosing a less challenging area in coming up here although it can get exciting going through Active Pass or around East Point on Saturna if you aren’t watching your tides and currents.
The ferry schedule changes for the summer–it likely isn’t set yet. Just keep checking the online reservation system after May 1st. They should have it set by then.
That should get you going. Feel free to contact me at karinhartner@gmail.com for further help.