When: February 5, 2018 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Guest speaker: Andy Lamb – local author of several books on BC coast sea life and co-owner of Cedar Beach Ocean Lodge
In the summer of 2013, Pacific Northwest divers noticed a huge die off of the large, multi-rayed sunflower star Pycnopodia helainthoides. Since that time, many other species including the ubiquitous intertidal purple or ochre star Pisaster ochraceus have fallen victim. Scientists have determined the cause to be a virus and its effects continue to be noticed coast-wide.
Andy and Virginia Lamb own the Cedar Beach Ocean Lodge that many of our members have visited. They will share a few photos and descriptions of what is available on Thetis Island for sea kayakers.
Also at the February meeting:
Club member Bob Maher will present a safety talk on PFD’s called “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”.
Tickets for the Paddling Film Festival will be for sale for $17.
You’ll also have a chance to try on samples of SKABC Fleece Jackets. Come early!
REMINDER: Meeting dates for 2018 are on Mondays at the Sunrise Community Hall. See Map.
1950 Windermere Street
Vancouver, BC