When: March 27, 2015 from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Friday March 27, 2015 7:00pm
Langara College A130 Theatre
100 W 49th Ave, Vancouver BC V5Y 2Z6 (2 blocks E of Langara – 49th Ave SkyTrain)
Admission: $15.00 advance (shown through the ticket agent as US$11.00) $17.00 at the door.
An exciting variety of new releases of short paddling films, selected for your excitement and interest! Ocean paddling, White water, Travel sagas, Environmental issues, Paddling humour….and more………….. Prizes! Silent Auction!
Net proceeds to BC Marine Trails Network Association
Please attend and spread the word!
Contact Nick Heath to help to sell all 270 seats! membership1@skabc.org
100 W 49th Ave
Vancouver, BC
100 W 49th Ave
Vancouver, BC