Rescue practice this Fri/Sat (Mar 29/30) at Jericho?

  • Creator
  • #16874
    Phyllis Mallett

    I need to practice self/assisted rescues this Fri/Sat at Jericho Beach and I am hoping to find a few others interested in practicing too.


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  • Author
  • #16919
    Svetozar Tzonkov

    Hello again,

    Something has come up for tomorrow morning and I am afraid that I won’t be able to make it. I am sorry Ted (I know youvey been rather enthusiastic) that this is not working out this time. I hope next time we can all make it happen.




    Ted Lam

    Hello, this is Ted. I am all in, 10:30 at Vanier Park launch.

    Svetozar Tzonkov

    Hello everyone,

    It seems Phyllis is uncertain if he can make it, so here is what I propose, if it works for you of course.

    Saturday morning 10:30am we meet on the water (Ted and I launching from Vanier Park Parking lot) and meeting up with Nicola close to the Vanier Park Ramp and then deciding where to go and practice. If Phyllis can make it , that will be great too. I plan to be there a little earlier and Paddle for a while before Nicola arrives (ecomarine opens at 10am).

    Let me know your thoughts.


    Nicola Kuchta

    Hi Phyllis,

    Have you decided on a day/time?

    Love to join you on Saturday. I rent from Ecomarine, though, so not sure I can make it to Jericho and do rescues within the 2-hr rental time limit. Would you (and anyone joining) be open to meeting up at Kits instead?




    Svetozar Tzonkov

    Hi Phillis,

    I would like to join you practicing. I have all my own gear and have done rescues, wet exits in the past. I prefer Saturday morning but Friday could could work too.


    My email is:

    Sarah Cummins

    Hi Phyllis    happy to practice rescues etc    cannot make it this week end .  Free to practice April 13th/14th   or evenings 15th/16th  April  .


    Ted Lam

    Hi Phyllis,

    My name is Ted, I am excited to hear that you want to practice of this self rescue. I think it is awesome if there are someone to work with, if you are ok, please count me in. I am a strong swimmer, love waves, own a kayak, wet suit and enough gears. Let me know the time and location. I have time to do both, Friday after lunch and whole Saturday.

    My email is :


    Avaleigh Neill


    I am free to practise on Friday morning, 9:30 – 12.30

    Avaleigh Neill

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