Additional Info
***Phone Number - Please enter the number we should normally use to contact you. *
Mobile number - If you have a mobile phone (a cell phone) please enter the number here. Your mobile phone number helps us contact you in an emergency or if there are last-minute changes to a course or trip. We won't use it as your primary contact number if you gave us a different number above.
***Street Address *
City *
Province or State *
Postal Code or Zip Code *
Emergency Contact - please enter the name and telephone number of someone we should contact in an emergency. Optional. Recommended.
***Are you a minor? *
Select here No, I am age 19 or older. Yes, I am under 19 years of age.
Age Group
Select here Under 12 12 - 18 19 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61-70 71+
***How long have you been a member of SKABC? (total # of years since the club began - enter "0" if you are new) *
Family Membership If one family member pays the full membership fee, other family members can receive a discount.
Do you want a family membership? *
NO - Individual membership. (Please skip to the next section. Leave the line below blank.) YES - I am the primary family member. I'll enter the email addresses of my other family members below. YES - I am a family member. I'll enter the email address of the primary family member below.
Enter email address(es) of other family members here, a blank space between each address, no period at the end. This will link your profiles
Reasons for joining or renewing your membership
***What are your top reasons for being in SKABC? Choose any that apply. This will help us in planning *
Learning about kayaks and equipment Kayaking safety education Join day paddles Join multi-day trips Take courses and training Social events Monthly meetings w/ guest speakers Conservation activities Borrow books from club library Receiving monthly newsletter Website and forum access Finding paddling partners Seeing my SKABC friends Receiving discounts from vendors Being in a kayaking-related business Being a volunteer with SKABC Financial support of SKABC’s efforts
SKABC is a volunteer-run organization. Your participation matters. All members are invited to help make SKABC the best it can be.
***Please select at least one of the following volunteer opportunities that interest you. You can update your choices anytime *
Leading day paddles Leading multiday trips Learning to lead trips Course planning Course logistics assistance Instructing (lead or assist) Contacting potential guest speakers Presenting a topic at a club meeting Share photos or video (meeting, newsletter, website or social media) Social event planning Social event assistance Club library Conservation activities Howe Sound campsite maintenance Membership committee Volunteer coordination Phone committee Secretary Accounting/Bookkeeping Informal legal advice First aid kit committee Skill or equipment demo Newsletter editor Write an article on a trip or topic Technical support AV Zoom Website Community outreach Offer my space for club events or storage I’m new to the club and am not sure yet Other - see below.
Other ways I may be able to help out
Additional information that will help your instructors and on-water leaders
Capsizing and getting back in your kayak: when was your most recent self or assisted rescue in a sea kayak? (enter the year or "not yet")
Personal Paddling Experience Rating
Select here Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert
Years of Paddling Experience
Select here 0-1 2-3 4-10 11-20 20+
Please let us know which of these SKABC courses you've taken
Beginners Strokes and Rescue Navigation Weather Currents Surf Best Practices in Kayak Camping Trip Leader Instructor Rolling (coordinated by SKABC with outside instructors)
Paddle Canada Skills -- highest level achieved
Select here None Sea Kayak Skills Introduction to Kayaking Sea Kayak Skills Level 1 Sea Kayak Skills Level 2 Sea Kayak Skills Level 3 Sea Kayak Skills Level 4 Other
Paddle Canada Instructor Courses: highest level achieved
Select here None Sea Kayak Instructor Introduction to Kayaking Sea Kayak Instructor Level 1 Sea Kayak Instructor Level 2 Sea Kayak Instructor Level 3 Mentorship Sea Kayak Instructor Level 4 Mentorship Other
Other Information about your paddling experience
Communication Preferences
Exclude my contact information from the member directory (not recommended). Please make your information available. It is used for club purposes only and is not to be sold or shared. By default, your name, phone number, and email are listed in a password-protected members' area of this website. If you really do not wish to have your phone and email available to other club members, you can check this box.
Exclude my contact information from the member directory (not recommended). Please make your information available. It is used for club purposes only and is not to be sold or shared. By default, your name, phone number, and email are listed in a password-protected members' area of this website. If you really do not wish to have your phone and email available to other club members, you can check this box.
Do not send me Club News by Email. Not recommended. Email is the way we stay in touch.
Do not send me Club News by Email. Not recommended. Email is the way we stay in touch.
Please confirm that you have reviewed and updated your profile
I confirm that I have reviewed the information in my profile today and that it is up to date. *
I confirm that I have reviewed the information in my profile today and that it is up to date.