Kevlar Nimus Solandar

  • Creator
  • #24177
    Sandra Waddle

    Posting for a friend:

    This beautiful and solid Kevlar nimbus solander has been an amazing ride for me, but I need to let her go. This was a specially made kayak by nimbus that can be taken apart into three pieces. I’ve never taken it apart, but if you needed to be able to do that for storage or transportation you can with this one! I paid $2,000 for it a few years ago and put $400 worth of work into it with a new seat, new deck lines, and new hatch covers. But I’m offering it for a lower price because I need a quick sale.

    See for pictures:


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  • Author
  • #24178
    Rosalind Scarnell

    Hi Sandra,

    I am interested in your Solander but wonder if you can tell me the weight. I have a fibreglass solander but would like to get a kevlar one to reduce the weight. However I suspect that a sectional boat will have added wright. My friend had a sectional fibreglass solander and it was much heavier than my regular one.

    I cannot get into Facebook anymore so have not see the pictures. What colour is your boat?

    I have paddled solanders for many many years and it is the boat for me! I would not buy anything else!

    look forward to hearing from you.



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