Reply To: Monthly club meetings – In person or on Zoom?

Nick Heath

Perhaps this topic is a bit stale, but I’m sure it is still relevant.

One gets a glimpse at how some other clubs have dealt with this issue in the following message taken from the Bluewater Cruising Assn, who have traditionally charged admission to their in-person meetings. This is what they say about hybrid meetings and how they cover the additional costs of that format. Note that they acknowledge that the dual format has reduced the in-person attendance.

Hybrid Meeting Format

In-Person Attendees: For those attending in-person, the format will be very much the same as “normal”. Doors open at 7:00 and meeting starts at 7:30. (held at a rented cultural centre in Vancouver)

Cost: $5/Members, $10/Non-Members, payable at the door only.

Virtual Attendees: Virtual club nights (via Zoom) have enabled BCA to continue our monthly meetings and presentations throughout the pandemic, with an added bonus of expanding our community to members and non-members across the globe.  With the return to in-person meetings BCA has continued to provide a virtual component to our club nights as it has significant benefits to our membership. This however comes at a cost for the purchase of cameras, audio equipment and the lost revenue due to a decrease of in-person attendance used to off-set venue costs.

Cost: Members – $5.00 per connected device; Non-Members, $10 per connected device, payable online (see link below).  Note: Due to the small cost of virtual tickets, and an equal or greater cost to BCA of issuing refunds, no refunds will be issued unless Vancouver Chapter is unable to deliver the Club Night via Zoom.

Zoom meeting invitation:  Click here to  register for and purchase your virtual meeting ticket and receive the Zoom meeting invitation.  Please note that you must be signed in to the BCA website to get the member price.